Version 3 has been released!

{IMAGE} command

Displays an image on the RemoteSign. 


{IMAGE} index ␑ file ␑ row height ␑ column ␑ width

  • index is the index of the image. It allows the image to be updated or deleted later. Valid range 1 through 400
  • file is the file name of a graphics file that is on the machine running RemoteSign. If empty, the image is removed. Use this to remove an image. If the full path of the image is not provided, RemoteSign will look for the file in the /Images subfolder. The image file can be jpg, png, gif. Transparency is supported but images will not animate.
  • row is the top screen row where the top of the image should appear, default is 1.
  • height is the height (in rows) of the image, default is 1.
  • column is the column number of the leftmost edge of the image, default is 1.
  • width is the width (in columns) of the image, default is 8.
The image will be sized to fit the rectangle on screen defined by the row, height, column, and width parameters.

See also {HTTP}

Overview and list of all RemoteSign commands: API reference

Supported by:
RemoteSign Windows 3.1 (Images placed by {IMAGE} commands are not saved when an .rsf file is saved)
RemoteSign Sequencer
Not supported by RemoteSign ESP
Arrivals & Departures uses this for modern screens