Version 3 has been released!

RemoteSign Log

RemoteSign Log is a small program that you can use to connect to a RemoteSign to check its status or send a few commands, monitor a sensor, etc. 

The RemoteSign Log app is available for both Windows and Android. They work in the same manner.

How to install RemoteSign Log

  • Windows
    RSlog is installed as part of the main RemoteSign Windows installation. If you have an older installation, simply download and install RemoteSign again, and it will add RSlog. The first time you launch it, you may get prompted by Windows Defender for permission to allow it to access the network: Click "Allow access" as this program has to use the network to connect to RemoteSigns

  • Android
    See these installation steps for Android

How to use it, once installed

When you first start RemoteSign Log it will search for RemoteSigns on your local network, and connect to the last one it finds. It will remember the ones it finds for you.

Once it has connected it will exchange information such as the name, version of the software, etc. 

Commands sent to the RemoteSign are Yellow, and on the right of the screen.
Commands coming from the RemoteSign are on the left of the screen, and:

  • red if an error message
  • white if a comment
  • green otherwise
Other text on the screen about switching between different RemoteSigns, connecting, etc are centered in the screen and in white.

To request the accumulated statistics simply click the {STATS} button.

To send any RemoteSign command, click "Send" and enter the command. Pressing Enter or clicking outside the box will send the command.

Special characters
RemoteSign commands use some special non-printable characters to separate parameters, called DC1 and DC2. These are displayed as | and \ in the log. When sending commands, you can enter | and \ to send DC1 and DC2 characters. To send an backslash send \\ and send \| to send a pipe character. If you need to send multiple separators without data between them add a space.

The last command sent is remembered for you.

If a previously found RemoteSign is offline (for example, is not powered up) RSlog will try to connect until it comes on-line.

The "C" button will clear the screen

The "Close" button will disconnect from the RemoteSign and close the application screen.

Switching between RemoteSigns
At the bottom left is a RemoteSign Selector. If you have more than one, you can click on that button and select another one from the list. If the one you want is not listed you can have it search the local network again by picking < search > at the top of the list.

If you wish to remove a RemoteSign from your list select it, and then click the "X" button. You can always get it back again with < search >

The next time RemoteSign Log is started it will attempt to reconnect to the sign that you last connected to.

Host names
If the RemoteSign has been provided with a HOST token, it will display that host name in place of the first three number of the IP address. This allows you to easily identify multiple RemoteSigns. See the {TOKEN} command for information on sending a host token.

Useful commands
  • {STATS}
    Will tell you information about the RemoteSign such as its version, how long a RemoteSign ESP has been running, the channels it has defined and what other software is connected to it.
  • {CHSUB}
    If you wish to see the value of a sensor, or aspect of a signal, use the {CHSUB} command to subscribe to the channel. Use the {STATS} button to see the channel numbers. The current value and any changes will be shown. 

    Example of temperature sensor value

    Example of getting signal aspect changes