Version 3 has been released!

Clock settings

In the control screen are some clock settings.

  • If 'Real time' is checked, then the current system time will be used.
  • If you wish to run the clock at some other time or run a fast clock, uncheck 'Real time'.
  • You will then be able to select the clock speed factor and and also select the hours (HH) and minutes (MM)
If you press the 'Clock Settings' button you can select an Analog clock, Digital clock or No clock...

If you select a Digital clock you can choose between 12 and 24 clock clock:

For an analog clock, you can define what colors you want the clock to use. For example:

You can control the number of rows that the clock uses - thus determining the size of the clock.

In addition to the user interface in RemoteSign Windows, the clock setting can be set remotely via the {CLOCK} command.

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