Sets the clock type.
- t - clock type
- 12 = 12 hour clock
- 24 = 24 hour clock
- A = Use Analog clock
- D = Use Digital clock
- R = Use Real-time clock
- F = Do not use real time
- N = No clock display
- Sn = Use n clock speed factor (1 through 5)
In addition, the Analog setting can include the analog clock characteristics as follows:
A rows ␑ ShowSecondHand ␑ FaceColor ␑ TickColor ␑ HandColor ␑ SecondHandColor
- rows the number of screen rows that the clock should use. This value should not exceed the number rows of the whole screen set by {ROWS}
- ShowSecondHand indicates if the analog clock should display a second hand. A "1" means yes, display a seconds hand.
- FaceColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the clock face. For example 255 is red. Default is white.
- TickColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the hour and minute tick marks. For example 255 is red. Default is black.
- HandColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the hour and minute hands. For example 255 is red. Default is black.
- SecondHandColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the second hand. For example 255 is red. Default is red.
Overview and list of all RemoteSign commands: API reference
Supported by:
RemoteSign Windows
RemoteSign Sequencer
RemoteSign ESP (No clock display option supported from v1.2.1)