Version 3 has been released!

{CLOCK} command

Sets the clock type.



  • - clock type
    • 12 = 12 hour clock
    • 24 = 24 hour clock
    • A = Use Analog clock
    • D = Use Digital clock
    • R = Use Real-time clock
    • F = Do not use real time
    • N = No clock display
    • Sn = Use n clock speed factor (1 through 5)
In addition, the Analog setting can include the analog clock characteristics as follows:

A rows ␑ ShowSecondHand ␑ FaceColor ␑ TickColor ␑ HandColor ␑ SecondHandColor
  • rows the number of screen rows that the clock should use. This value should not exceed the number rows of the whole screen set by {ROWS}
  • ShowSecondHand indicates if the analog clock should display a second hand. A "1" means yes, display a seconds hand.
  • FaceColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the clock face. For example 255 is red. Default is white.
  • TickColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the hour and minute tick marks. For example 255 is red. Default is black.
  • HandColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the hour and minute hands. For example 255 is red. Default is black.
  • SecondHandColor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the second hand. For example 255 is red. Default is red.

See also: {TIME} {NTP}

Overview and list of all RemoteSign commands: API reference

Supported by:
RemoteSign Windows
RemoteSign Sequencer
RemoteSign ESP (No clock display option supported from v1.2.1)