Set a color light set to a color or lighting effect
{LC} ch ␑ color ␑ action ␑ value1 ␑ value2
- ch The channel to change.
- color an additive decimal RGB color. The RGB values will also control the brightness. 0 = off
- action Perform some action on the light on channel ch. Available actions are:
- On
- Off
- DOff (Off with incandescent fade)
- Flash - flash on and off
- FlashR - flash on and off rapidly
- Transition from current color to a new color
- value1 = time in seconds to transition to the new setting
- Lightning simulate lightning flashes and return color to original color
- Flames - simulates flickering flames
- Fluorescent - simulate the flickering start of a fluorescent light
- Coals - simulates glowing coals
- Phone - simulates a cell phone camera flash
- Camera - simulates a camera flash gun
- Slag - cooling slag (over 15 minutes)
- Sunrise - simulate sunrise
- value1 = number of minutes to transition to full sun
- Sunset - simulate sunset
- value1 = number of minutes to transition to fully dark
- TV - simulates the changing light that lights up a room from a TV screen
- Minutes - switch on and off at intervals specified in minutes
- value1 = minutes the light should be on
- value2 = minutes the light should be off
- Seconds - switch on and off at intervals specified in seconds
- value1 = seconds the light should be on
- value2 = seconds the light should be off
- mSecs - switch on and off at intervals specified in milliseconds
- value1 = ms the light should be on
- value2 = ms the light should be off
- RandomM - switch light on and off at random intervals
- value1 = maximum minutes the light should be on
- value2 = maximum minutes the light should be off
- RandomS - switch light on and off at random intervals
- value1 = maximum seconds the light should be on
- value2 = maximum seconds the light should be off
- Welder - simulate the light from an arc welder
Note: Do not use this command on any pins that use a relay as almost all these effects use pulse width modulation (PWM), use a MOSFET rather.
See also: {LM}
Overview and list of all RemoteSign commands: API reference
Supported by:
RemoteSign Sequencer v3.5
RemoteSign ESP v3.5 (Toggle from 3.5.29, mSecs from 3.6.2)