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I am pleased to announce version 2.6 of the Windows version
Version 2.6 can now also send sensor data. The keyboard keys 1 through 9 and 0 will send sensor data for sensors S1 through S10 respectively.
The most important new feature in 2.5 is the ability of the RemoteSign to respond to sensor data from a RemoteSign ESP
This sensor information enables an interactive two-way communication which is particularly powerful when combined with the RemoteSign Sequencer!
The RemoteSign ESP modules with small screens have four pins that can be used to send data to its RemoteSign.
Pin D5 wll trigger Sensor 1
Pin D6 wll trigger Sensor 2
Pin D7 wll trigger Sensor 3
Pin RX wll trigger Sensor 4
To trigger a sensor pin, connect it to the ground pin (G), with some sort of switch. Do not connect these pins to any other electrical system, only to one of the G pins of the ESP8266. If you wish to trigger one of these sensors using a digital train system, use an accessory decoder (such as Märklin k84 / m84, Viessmann 5213, etc.) to connect the pin to G.
When version 2.5 receives a sensor command from a RemoteSign ESP, or another RemoteSign, it will attempt to load a file in the form SensornOn.rsf or SensornOff.rsf.
For example, when D6 (sensor 2) is grounded, RemoteSign will load a file called Sensor2On.rsf if it is present.
When D6 is no longer grounded, RemoteSign will try to load a file called Sensor2Off.rsf
One can thus have eight different screens that are displayed when the four pins are grounded, or no longer grounded, by a switch. If using another copy of RemoteSign (Windows), 20 different screens can be selected.
The installation provides three sample files that can be used to see this new feature.
They are Sensor1On.rsf, Sensor2On.rsf, and Sensor3On.rsf
You can customize these files to define whatever text you would like when the pins are grounded!