Version 3 has been released!

{TEXT} command

Positions a text area on a RemoteSign screen. 

This command allows static text to be placed at specific places on a RemoteSign screen.


{TEXT}index text row column width align texcolor textbackgroundcolor size

  • index is the index of the text area. It allows the same text to be updated or deleted later. Valid range 1 through 400  (Limit was 255 before v3.) 
  • text is the text to be displayed. If empty, the text area is not displayed. Use this to remove a text area.
  • row is the row in which the text should appear
  • column is the column number of the leftmost edge of the text area
  • width is the width (in columns) of the text area
  • align indicates the alignment of the text:
    L = Left aligned (default)
    C = Centered
    R = Right
  • textcolor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the color of the text, if it is a header line. For example 255 is red.
  • textbackgroundcolor is an additive decimal RGB color value number that defines the background color of the text, if it is a header line.
  • size Percentage of the height of a display row. A value from 1 to 200. (OLED displays support 50%, 100% 150% and 200%) A value of 101 will cause RemoteSign windows to display the text as bold.
The column values are those that match split-flap text columns.

If more than one is placed in the same area the last one set will display.

Placing a Text area in a row forces that row to be a header line but it can be overlaid by an animated row.

See also: {ROW}

Overview and list of all RemoteSign commands: API reference

Supported by:
RemoteSign Windows v1.1
From version 2.8 onwards, {TEXT} areas are saved and loaded again but cannot be edited from within RemoteSign Windows.
RemoteSign Sequencer (send)
RemoteSign ESP
The index value is ignored to avoid the overhead of maintaining a lot of data in memory. Therefore to clear a {TEXT} area, send all the parameters again, but with empty text.
Arrivals & Departures (send)